Hot Door CORE 0.8.2
Adobe® Illustrator® Plug-in Library
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hdicoreCrypt.h File Reference

Header file for performing hashing, encoding, or encrypting data. More...

#include <vector>
#include "hdicoreTypes.h"
Include dependency graph for hdicoreCrypt.h:


class  hdi::core::crypt::aes::Key
 Wraps around an AES key's raw data for some added conveniences. More...
class  hdi::core::crypt::aes::InitVector
 Wraps around an AES initialization vector's raw data for some added conveniences. More...
class  hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PublicKey
 Wraps around a public RSA key's raw data for some added conveniences. More...
class  hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PrivateKey
 Wraps around a private RSA key's raw data for some added conveniences. More...


namespace  hdi::core::crypt
 Organizes all AES, RSA, and other basic cryptographic functions into one namespace for convenience.
namespace  hdi::core::crypt::aes
 Organizes all AES functionality into one namespace for convenience.
namespace  hdi::core::crypt::rsa
 Organizes all RSA functionality into one namespace for convenience.


typedef std::vector< byte > hdi::core::crypt::aes::ByteVector
typedef std::unique_ptr< Key > hdi::core::crypt::aes::KeyUP
typedef std::shared_ptr< Key > hdi::core::crypt::aes::KeySP
typedef std::weak_ptr< Key > hdi::core::crypt::aes::KeyWP
typedef std::unique_ptr< InitVector > hdi::core::crypt::aes::InitVectorUP
typedef std::shared_ptr< InitVector > hdi::core::crypt::aes::InitVectorSP
typedef std::weak_ptr< InitVector > hdi::core::crypt::aes::InitVectorWP
typedef std::unique_ptr< PublicKey > hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PublicKeyUP
typedef std::shared_ptr< PublicKey > hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PublicKeySP
typedef std::weak_ptr< PublicKey > hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PublicKeyWP
typedef std::unique_ptr< PrivateKey > hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PrivateKeyUP
typedef std::shared_ptr< PrivateKey > hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PrivateKeySP
typedef std::weak_ptr< PrivateKey > hdi::core::crypt::rsa::PrivateKeyWP


std::string hdi::core::crypt::rot13 (const std::string &str_)
 Performs a rot-13 cipher (Caeser's cipher) on a string.
std::string hdi::core::crypt::md5 (const std::string &str_)
 Generates an MD5 hash of a given source string.
std::string hdi::core::crypt::sha1 (const std::string &str_)
 Generates an SHA1 hash of a given source string.
std::string hdi::core::crypt::sha2_256 (const std::string &str_)
 Generates an SHA2-256 hash of a given source string.
std::string hdi::core::crypt::sha2_512 (const std::string &str_)
 Generates an SHA2-512 hash of a given source string.
std::string hdi::core::crypt::base64Encode (const std::string &plain_)
 Base-64 encodes any data stuffed into a string.
std::string hdi::core::crypt::base64Decode (const std::string &cipher_)
 Decodes any data previously base-64 encoded.
bool hdi::core::crypt::aes::encrypt (const Key &key_, const InitVector &iv_, const std::string &data_, std::string &b64Cipher__)
 Encrypts a string (or raw bytes stuffed into a string) with an AES key.
bool hdi::core::crypt::aes::decrypt (const Key &key_, const InitVector &iv_, const std::string &b64Cipher_, std::string &data__)
 Decrypts a base-64 encoded string of cipher text (previously encrypted with the encrypt() function or equivalent)
plat::AESKey * hdi::core::crypt::aes::__accessImpl (const Key &)
plat::AESInitializationVector * hdi::core::crypt::aes::__accessImpl (const InitVector &)
bool hdi::core::crypt::rsa::generateKeyPair (const int32_t size_, PrivateKey &privKey__, PublicKey &pubKey__)
 Generates a new RSA key pair of a given size/length.
bool hdi::core::crypt::rsa::encryptWithPublicKey (const PublicKey &key_, const std::string &data_, std::string &b64Cipher__)
 Encrypts a string (or raw bytes stuffed into a string) with a public RSA key.
bool hdi::core::crypt::rsa::decryptWithPrivateKey (const PrivateKey &key_, const std::string &b64Cipher_, std::string &data__)
 Decrypts a base-64 encoded string of cipher text (previously encrypted with the encryptWithPublicKey() function or equivalent)
bool hdi::core::crypt::rsa::encryptWithPrivateKey (const PrivateKey &key_, const std::string &data_, std::string &b64Cipher__)
 Encrypts a string (or raw bytes stuffed into a string) with a private RSA key.
bool hdi::core::crypt::rsa::decryptWithPublicKey (const PublicKey &key_, const std::string &b64Cipher_, std::string &data__)
 Decrypts a base-64 encoded string of cipher text (previously encrypted with the encryptWithPrivateKey() function or equivalent)

Detailed Description

Header file for performing hashing, encoding, or encrypting data.