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Full Version: 0.7.4 assert problem
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Hello. I have ported my plugin on 0.7.4 framework with following changes:

-HDI_CORE_AIP_MODE define was added
-void hdi::core::pluginLoaded() was defined
references to hdicorePiPL were replaced

No other changes were made. Plugin compiles successfuly and runs. However when AI is closed I get the following assertion (see attached file). This did not manifest before. What could possibly be the cause of this? Is there any workaround? I encountered it on AI19, did not test with other versions
Hi Konstantin,

I don't work for Hot Door (I'm just another plugin developer), nor am I an expert on Visual Studio, but I may be able to offer a few clues.

What is on line 99 of your source file hdipuiBasePlugin.cpp? Is that in the Plugin::shutdown method? If you have a timer in this project, maybe it's related to the issue I posted here just after yours.

I hope you can get it figured out. CORE is by far the best way I've seen to write Illustrator plugins. Best of luck!

-- Rick
(12-11-2019, 09:46 AM)konstantin.zinchenko Wrote: [ -> ]Hello. I have ported my plugin on 0.7.4 framework with following changes:

-HDI_CORE_AIP_MODE define was added
-void hdi::core::pluginLoaded() was defined
references to hdicorePiPL were replaced

No other changes were made. Plugin compiles successfuly and runs. However when AI is closed I get the following assertion (see attached file). This did not manifest before. What could possibly be the cause of this? Is there any workaround? I encountered it on AI19, did not test with other versions

That assertion is regarding modal dialogs. If you can reproduce it, you may notice a warning in the debug output just before the assertion fails.

In short, you must destroy all instances of the ModalDialog class before the plugin is fully unloaded. Depending on your use case, you can do this in either the plugin pre-shutdown or the regular shutdown event.