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Full Version: panel icon light/dark UI mixup
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I have several plugins, some with more than one panel, that are all defined similar to the panel sample project, but all panels  display only the dark UI icon. Here's my code:

this->__docPanel = hdi::core::Panel(
"AxoTools Projection", // Panel title
this->docPanelSize, // Panel size
false, // is width resizeable
false, // is height resizeable
hdi::core::ImageIDs( AT_pnlIcon_PNGI_RSRC_ID,


19000.png pnlIcon.png
19001.png   pnlIcon@2x.png
19002.png pnlIcon@3to2x.png
19004.png   pnlIconDark.png
19005.png pnlIconDark@2x.png
19006.png pnlIconDark@3to2x.png

Tool icons and other images all respond to light or dark UI as expected. Given all plugins display only dark UI icons for panels, I wonder if it' a bug. Then again, CADtools' panel icons are correct, so maybe there are rules for resource ID numbers besides >5,000.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Can you provide some sample code that would reproduce this in the hdi_core panel sample? Also, which version of Illustrator? Mac or Windows?
I'm sorry this took so long. I've attached the Panel sample modified with some of my icons, which display when the panel is collapsed.

Only Xcode project is included, with AI 25 schemes. Go to Window > PanelSample > Show icon test panel. Collapse panel to icon. In AI preferences, change the UI between light and dark. Note that only dark icons appear. If you specify only light icon IDs when defining the panel, then only light icons appear.

This doesn't happen in CS6 (icons there change correctly for light and dark UI), but is a problem for all later versions under both Mac and Windows. I have a 27" iMac (Retina display) and run Windows 10 under Parallels.

I sure hope this helps. -- Rick