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Full Version: ColorWell crash
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I've added a ColorWell to the preferences dialog of four plugins. In three, everything works perfectly. In one of them, it crashes when I click the color well control, before the color picker appears, on both Mac and Windows. All three plugins use the SDK in addition to CORE. In Xcode with AI 24, it stops here:


callq *0x98(%rax) = Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x98)

Here's the code where I define the dialog:

#include "hdicoreArtColor.h"
#include "hdicoreColorWell.h"

hdi::core::ArtColor col = hdi::core::ArtColor::red();
this->cWell = hdi::core::ColorWell(hdi::core::Rect(hdi::core::Point(18,36),hdi::core::Size(30,18)),col);
this->cWell.setValueChangedCallback(HDI_CORE_CALLBACK(gx::gxPrefs, this, __cWellCB));
this->cWell.setTooltip("Change the color of the help text");

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Does this happen for you if you add a color well to the PanelSample project?