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Full Version: Compiling for Mac AI 25.1
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Thanks, Garrett, for the update for 25.1. The new script for handling resources looks interesting, but I have to admit to being a little overwhelmed by it right now. I think I have a simple workaround, at least for now.

  1. Install the 0.7.7 update and copy an 0.7.6 project into its corresponding location (I just use the Samples folder).
  2. Copy the file "plugin.pipl" from the Tool sample Resources folder to my plugin's Resources folder.
  3. Open my plugin's copy of plugin.pipl in a text editor and change "ToolSamplePlug" to my plugin name, as indicated in the Resources.r file. Save and close the file.
  4. In Xcode, go to the Build Phases for either AI 25 target in ToolSample.
  5. Under Run Script, select and copy line 1: mkdir "$INSTALL_DIR/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME/Contents/Resources/pipl" 2> /dev/null

  6. Paste into the corresponding Run Script in your plugin.
  7. Repeat for line 4 in Run Script: cp "$PROJECT_DIR/../Resources/plugin.pipl" "$INSTALL_DIR/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME/Contents/Resources/pipl/"
  8. Do this for both the debug and release versions.
  9. Build and run.
It seems to work. If there's a reason not to do it this way, I hope someone can correct me.