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Full Version: webView interferes with Windows preferences
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In CORE 0.8.2, the existence of a webView widget in a panel blocks Illustrator 28.1 (both Mac and Windows) from remembering recent documents and the current workspace. (AI 28.0 is fine)

To demonstrate, add the following to the panel sample:

#include "hdicoreWebView.h"

hdi::core::WebView webView(hdi::core::Rect(0,0,20,20));

Now edit and save a file, then change the workspace. Quit and restart. Illustrator will not include the edited file(s) in File -> Open Recent Documents and the workspace will remain as you last started AI, not as you left it.

Of course, the webView must be declared as a member of the class so it can be accessed later to change the URL, etc. (is that right?)