Hot Door CORE 0.8.2
Adobe® Illustrator® Plug-in Library
No Matches
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
hdicoreTypes.h File Reference

Header file for a wide variety of necessary typedefs, enums, and forwards declarations. More...

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "hdicoreMacros.h"
Include dependency graph for hdicoreTypes.h:


class  hdi::core::MatchArtSpec
 Allows a variety of art types and attributes to be specified when searching for art that either includes or excludes such settings. More...
struct  SPMessageData


typedef unsigned char hdi::core::byte
 Typedef of unsigned char as byte, because char is guaranteed to be one byte per the spec.
typedef char hdi::core::UTF8Char
 Typedef of char as UTF8Char.
typedef std::string hdi::core::UTF8String
 Typedef of std::string as UTF8String.
typedef uint16_t hdi::core::UTF16Char
 Typedef of uint16_t as UTF16Char.
typedef std::basic_string< UTF16Char > hdi::core::UTF16String
 Typedef of std::basic_string<UTF16Char> as UTF16String.
typedef uint32_t hdi::core::UTF32Char
 Typedef of uint32_t as UTF32Char.
typedef std::basic_string< UTF32Char > hdi::core::UTF32String
 Typedef of std::basic_string<UTF32Char> as UTF32String.
typedef int32_t SPErr
typedef struct SPPlugin * SPPluginRef
typedef struct _t_AIAnnotatorOpaque * AIAnnotatorHandle
typedef struct _AIArray * AIArrayRef
typedef struct _t_AIArtStyle * AIArtStyleHandle
typedef struct _AIDictionary * AIDictionaryRef
typedef struct _AIEntry * AIEntryRef
typedef struct _AIUID * AIUIDRef
typedef struct _t_AIDocument * AIDocumentHandle
typedef struct _t_AIDocumentViewOpaque * AIDocumentViewHandle
typedef struct _t_AIFileFormatOpaque * AIFileFormatHandle
typedef struct __AIFontKey * AIFontKey
typedef struct _t_AITypefaceKey * AITypefaceKey
typedef struct _t_AIMenuItemOpaque * AIMenuItemHandle
typedef struct _t_MenuGroupOpaque * AIMenuGroup
typedef struct _t_AINotifierOpaque * AINotifierHandle
typedef void * AIGradientHandle
typedef void * AIPatternHandle
typedef struct _t_AITimerOpaque * AITimerHandle
typedef struct _t_AIToolOpaque * AIToolHandle
typedef struct _t_AILiveEffectOpaque * AILiveEffectHandle
typedef AIDictionaryRef AILiveEffectParameters
typedef struct ArtObject * AIArtHandle
typedef struct _t_AILayerOpaque * AILayerHandle
typedef struct _t_AISafeArtOpaque * AISafeArtHandle
typedef struct _opaque_AIControlBar * AIControlBarRef
typedef struct _opaque_AIPanel * AIPanelRef
typedef int32_t __MainError


enum  hdi::core::ArtType {
  ArtTypeUnknown = 0 , ArtTypeGroup = 100 , ArtTypePath = 110 , ArtTypeCompoundPath = 120 ,
  ArtTypePlaced = 200 , ArtTypeRaster = 300 , ArtTypeCustom = 310 , ArtTypeMesh = 320 ,
  ArtTypeText = 330 , ArtTypeSymbol = 340 , ArtTypeForeign = 350 , ArtTypeTextLegacy = 360
 Indicates a type of art (when querying an art object for its type)
enum  hdi::core::MatchArtType {
  MatchArtTypeUnknown = 0 , MatchArtTypeGroup = 1 << 0 , MatchArtTypePath = 1 << 1 , MatchArtTypeCompoundPath = 1 << 2 ,
  MatchArtTypePlaced = 1 << 3 , MatchArtTypeRaster = 1 << 4 , MatchArtTypeCustom = 1 << 5 , MatchArtTypeMesh = 1 << 6 ,
  MatchArtTypeText = 1 << 7 , MatchArtTypeSymbol = 1 << 8 , MatchArtTypeForeign = 1 << 9 , MatchArtTypeTextLegacy = 1 << 10 ,
  MatchArtTypeAll = ~0L
 Indicates a type of art (when searching the document artwork tree for art objects)
enum  hdi::core::ArtAttribute {
  ArtAttrSelected = 1 << 0 , ArtAttrFullySelected = 1 << 1 , ArtAttrLocked = 1 << 2 , ArtAttrHidden = 1 << 3 ,
  ArtAttrExpanded = 1 << 4 , ArtAttrTargeted = 1 << 5 , ArtAttrIsClipMask = 1 << 6 , ArtAttrIsTextWrap = 1 << 7 ,
  ArtAttrHasSimpleStyle = 1 << 8 , ArtAttrHasActiveStyle = 1 << 9 , ArtAttrStyleIsDirty = 1 << 10 , ArtAttrPartOfCompound = 1 << 11
 Indicates a queryable attribute of an art object.
enum  hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute {
  MatchArtAttrNone = 0 , MatchArtAttrSelected = 1 << 0 , MatchArtAttrFullySelected = 1 << 1 , MatchArtAttrLocked = 1 << 2 ,
  MatchArtAttrHidden = 1 << 3 , MatchArtAttrExpanded = 1 << 4 , MatchArtAttrTargeted = 1 << 5 , MatchArtAttrIsClipMask = 1 << 6 ,
  MatchArtAttrIsTextWrap = 1 << 7 , MatchArtAttrHasSimpleStyle = 1 << 8 , MatchArtAttrHasActiveStyle = 1 << 9 , MatchArtAttrStyleIsDirty = 1 << 10 ,
  MatchArtAttrPartOfCompound = 1 << 11 , MatchArtAttrSelectedTopLevelGroups = 1 << 12 , MatchArtAttrSelectedLeaves = 1 << 13 , MatchArtAttrSelectedTopLevelPainted = 1 << 14 ,
  MatchArtAttrArtInDictionaries = 1 << 15 , MatchArtAttrArtInGraphs = 1 << 16 , MatchArtAttrArtInResultGroups = 1 << 17 , MatchArtAttrTextPaths = 1 << 18 ,
  MatchArtAttrArtNotInPluginGroups = 1 << 19
 Indicates desired (or undesired) attributes when searching the document artwork tree for art objects.
enum  hdi::core::MatchArtSearch { MatchArtSearchIncludes = 10 , MatchArtSearchExcludes = 20 }
 Indicates whether a matching art search should include or exclude the specified settings. More...
enum  hdi::core::PaintOrder {
  PlaceAbove = 100 , PlaceBelow = 110 , PlaceInsideOnTop = 120 , PlaceInsideOnBottom = 130 ,
  PlaceAboveAll = 140 , PlaceBelowAll = 150
 Indicates the position of art or layers when during creation or reordering. More...
enum  hdi::core::BlendKnockout { BlendKnockoutUnknown = 0 , BlendKnockoutOff = 10 , BlendKnockoutOn = 20 , BlendKnockoutInherited = 100 }
 Describes the blending knockout of art.
enum  hdi::core::HitRequest {
  UnknownHitRequest = 0 , SegPointHitRequest = 1 << 0 , SegInPointHitRequest = 1 << 1 , SegOutPointHitRequest = 1 << 2 ,
  AnySegControlHitRequest = (SegPointHitRequest | SegInPointHitRequest | SegOutPointHitRequest) , SegInteriorHitRequest = 1 << 3 , SegPointOrInteriorHitRequest = (SegPointHitRequest | SegInteriorHitRequest) , FillHitRequest = 1 << 4 ,
  HitRequestIncludesGuides = 1 << 16 , AnyHitRequestNoGuides = (~0L) ^ HitRequestIncludesGuides , AnyHitRequest = ~0L
 Describes the types of hit tests that can be performed (AKA a hit request) More...
enum  hdi::core::DocumentColorModel { ColorModelUnknown = 0 , ColorModelGray = 10 , ColorModelRGB = 20 , ColorModelCMYK = 30 }
 Indicates the color model of new document.
enum  hdi::core::ParagraphJustification {
  JustifyLeft = 100 , JustifyRight = 110 , JustifyCenter = 120 , JustifyFullLastLineLeft = 200 ,
  JustifyFullLastLineRight = 210 , JustifyFullLastLineCenter = 220 , JustifyFullLastLineFull = 300
 Indicates how text should be justified for a text art object.
enum  hdi::core::TextOrientation { UnknownOrientation = 0 , HorizontalOrientation = 100 , VerticalOrientation = 110 }
 Indicates the orientation of some text.
enum  hdi::core::LeadingType { UnknownLeadingType = 0 , RomanLeadingType = 10 , JapaneseLeadingType = 20 }
 Indicates the leading of some text.
enum  hdi::core::ComposerEngine { UnknownComposerEngine = 0 , LatinCJKComposerEngine = 10 , OptycaComposerEngine = 20 , AdornmentComposerEngine = 30 }
 Indicates the composer engine of some text.
enum  hdi::core::FigureStyle {
  UnknownFigureStyle = 0 , DefaultFigureStyle = 10 , TabularLiningFigureStyle = 20 , ProportionalOldFigureStyle = 30 ,
  ProportionalLiningFigureStyle = 40 , TabularOldFigureStyle = 50
 Indicates the figure style of some text.
enum  hdi::core::UnderlinePosition { UnknownUnderlinePosition = 0 , UnderlineOffPosition = 10 , UnderlineOnRightInVerticalPosition = 20 , UnderlineOnLeftInVerticalPosition = 30 }
 Indicates the underline position of some text.
enum  hdi::core::StrikethroughPosition { UnknownStrikethroughPosition = 0 , StrikethroughOffPosition = 10 , StrikethroughOnXHeightPosition = 20 , StrikethroughOnEMBoxPosition = 30 }
 Indicates the strikethrough position of some text.
enum  hdi::core::FontOpenTypePosition {
  UnknownFontOpenTypePosition = 0 , NormalFontOpenTypePosition = 10 , SuperscriptFontOpenTypePosition = 20 , SubscriptFontOpenTypePosition = 30 ,
  NumeratorFontOpenTypePosition = 40 , DenominatorFontOpenTypePosition = 50
 Indicates the position of some OpenType text.
enum  hdi::core::FontBaseline { UnknownFontBaseline = 0 , NormalFontBaseline = 10 , FauxedSuperScriptFontBaseline = 20 , FauxedSubScriptFontBaseline = 30 }
 Indicates the baseline of some text.
enum  hdi::core::FontCapsType {
  UnknownFontCapsType = 0 , NormalFontCapsType = 10 , SmallFontCapsType = 20 , AllFontCapsType = 30 ,
  AllSmallFontCapsType = 40
 Indicates the capitalization of some text.
enum  hdi::core::AutoKernType {
  UnknownAutoKernType = 0 , NoAutoKernType = 10 , MetricAutoKernType = 20 , OpticalAutoKernType = 30 ,
  MetricRomanOnlyAutoKernType = 40
 Indicates the kerning type of some text.
enum  hdi::core::CaseChangeType {
  UnknownCaseChange = 0 , UppercaseCaseChange = 10 , LowercaseCaseChange = 20 , TitleCaseChange = 30 ,
  SentenceCaseChange = 40
 Indicates how the case of some text should be changed.
enum  hdi::core::GlyphOrientation {
  UnknownGlyphOrientation = 0 , HorizontalGlyphOrientation = 10 , VerticalGlyphOrientation = 20 , HorizontalRotatedGlyphOrientation = 30 ,
  VerticalUprightRomanGlyphOrientation = 40
 Describes the orientation of a glyph run.
enum  hdi::core::RulerUnits {
  UnknownRulerUnits = 0 , InchesRulerUnits = 10 , CentimetersRulerUnits = 20 , MillimetersRulerUnits = 30 ,
  PicasRulerUnits = 40 , PointsRulerUnits = 50 , PixelsRulerUnits = 60 , FeetRulerUnits = 70 ,
  QRulerUnits = 1000
 Indicates the ruler units of a document.
enum  hdi::core::BlendMode {
  UnknownBlendMode = 0 , NormalBlendMode = 10 , MultiplyBlendMode = 20 , ScreenBlendMode = 30 ,
  OverlayBlendMode = 40 , SoftLightBlendMode = 50 , HardLightBlendMode = 60 , ColorDodgeBlendMode = 70 ,
  ColorBurnBlendMode = 80 , DarkenBlendMode = 90 , LightenBlendMode = 100 , DifferenceBlendMode = 110 ,
  ExclusionBlendMode = 120 , HueBlendMode = 130 , SaturationBlendMode = 140 , ColorBlendMode = 150 ,
  LuminosityBlendMode = 160
 Describes the blending mode of art (used for compositing art objects)
enum  hdi::core::IconResourceType { IconResourceTypeUnknown = 0 , IconResourceTypePNGI = 10 , IconResourceTypeSVG = 20 }
 Indicates which type of resource is related to a given icon (for passing to Adobe's SDK)
enum  hdi::core::BoundsPinPointType {
  UnknownPinPoint = 0 , TopLeftPinPoint = 1 , TopCenterPinPoint = 2 , TopRightPinPoint = 3 ,
  MidLeftPinPoint = 4 , MidCenterPinPoint = 5 , MidRightPinPoint = 6 , BottomLeftPinPoint = 7 ,
  BottomCenterPinPoint = 8 , BottomRightPinPoint = 9
 These allow for simpler art transformation/bounds metadata access. More...
enum  hdi::core::RectLineIntersectionType { NoLineIntersectionsFound = 0 , FirstLineIntersectionFound = 1 , BothLineIntersectionsFound = 2 }
 Describes which points were found when checking for intersections between a rect and a line.
enum  hdi::core::WindowType {
  UnknownWindowType = 0 , ControlBarWindowType = 10 , ModalDialogWindowType = 20 , PanelWindowType = 30 ,
  FloatingDialogWindowType = 40
 Describes the type of a Window object, allowing for proper casting to its subclass.
enum  hdi::core::ThemeComponentType {
  WindowBackgroundColorThemeComponent = 10 , LabelTextColorThemeComponent = 20 , LabelTextDisabledColorThemeComponent = 30 , FieldTextColorThemeComponent = 40 ,
  FieldTextDisabledColorThemeComponent = 50 , FieldBackgroundColorThemeComponent = 60 , FocusRingColorThemeComponent = 70 , ShadowColorThemeComponent = 80 ,
  HighlightColorThemeComponent = 90
 Used when querying the app for current UI colors.
enum  hdi::core::Locale {
  Locale_Application = 0 , Locale_ARA_AE = 100 , Locale_BUL_BG = 110 , Locale_CES_CZ = 120 ,
  Locale_DAN_DK = 130 , Locale_DEU_CH = 140 , Locale_DEU_DE = 150 , Locale_ELL_GR = 160 ,
  Locale_ENG_AE = 170 , Locale_ENG_CA = 180 , Locale_ENG_GB = 190 , Locale_ENG_IL = 200 ,
  Locale_ENG_US = 210 , Locale_FAS_IR = 220 , Locale_FIN_FI = 230 , Locale_FRA_CA = 240 ,
  Locale_FRA_FR = 250 , Locale_FRA_MA = 260 , Locale_HEB_IL = 270 , Locale_HUN_HU = 280 ,
  Locale_ITA_IT = 290 , Locale_JPN_JP = 300 , Locale_KOR_KR = 310 , Locale_NLD_NL = 320 ,
  Locale_NNO_NO = 330 , Locale_NOR_NO = 340 , Locale_POL_PL = 350 , Locale_POR_BR = 360 ,
  Locale_POR_PT = 370 , Locale_RON_RO = 380 , Locale_RUS_RU = 390 , Locale_SPA_ES = 400 ,
  Locale_SPA_MX = 410 , Locale_SWE_SE = 420 , Locale_THA_TH = 430 , Locale_TUR_TR = 440 ,
  Locale_UKR_UA = 450 , Locale_VIE_VN = 460 , Locale_ZHO_CN = 470 , Locale_ZHO_TW = 480
 Indicates the locale under which the app is running. Many languages are only listed for one country, but some are broken down for regional differences (e.g. French in France versus French in Canada).
enum  hdi::core::ModifierKey {
  NoModifierKey = 0 , ShiftModifierKey = 1 << 0 , OptionModifierKey = 1 << 1 , AltModifierKey = OptionModifierKey ,
  ControlModifierKey = 1 << 2 , CommandModifierKey = 1 << 3
 Describes various modifier keys.
enum  hdi::core::MouseButton { NoMouseButton = 0 , PrimaryMouseButton = 1 << 0 , SecondaryMouseButton = 1 << 1 , TertiaryMouseButton = 1 << 2 }
 Describes various mouse buttons.
enum  hdi::core::InternetError {
  InternetErrorUnknown = -1 , InternetErrorNone = 0 , InternetErrorPlatformCode = 10 , InternetErrorOperationCancelled = 20 ,
  InternetErrorInvalidURL = 30 , InternetErrorUnsupportedURL = 40 , InternetErrorTimedOut = 50 , InternetErrorNoNetConnection = 60 ,
  InternetErrorHostLookupFailed = 70 , InternetErrorHostNotFound = 80 , InternetErrorCannotConnectToHost = 90 , InternetErrorConnectionToHostLost = 100 ,
  InternetErrorTooManyRedirects = 110 , InternetErrorBadRedirectLocation = 120 , InternetErrorBadServerResponse = 130 , InternetErrorAuthenticationNeeded = 140 ,
  InternetErrorCertificateRejected = 150 , InternetErrorCertificateInvalid = 160 , InternetErrorCertificateExpired = 170 , InternetErrorCertificateBadRoot = 180 ,
  InternetErrorFileNotFound = 190
 Describes common HTTP error codes between platforms, for convenience.
enum  hdi::core::BuiltinMenuGroup {
  UnknownMenuGroup = 0 , AboutMenuGroup = 10 , OpenMenuGroup = 20 , RecentMenuGroup = 30 ,
  CloseMenuGroup = 40 , DeviceCentralMenuGroup = 50 , SaveMenuGroup = 60 , SaveForMenuGroup = 70 ,
  ImportMenuGroup = 80 , PlaceMenuGroup = 90 , ExportMenuGroup = 100 , DocumentUtilsMenuGroup = 110 ,
  DocumentInterchangeMenuGroup = 120 , PrintMenuGroup = 130 , SendMenuGroup = 140 , AppUtilsMenuGroup = 150 ,
  QuitMenuGroup = 160 , EditMenuGroup = 170 , UndoMenuGroup = 180 , PasteUtilsMenuGroup = 190 ,
  EditUtilsMenuGroup = 200 , EditTextMenuGroup = 210 , PresetsMenuGroup = 220 , SelectMenuGroup = 230 ,
  SelectMenuExternalGroup = 240 , SameMenuGroup = 250 , SelectObjectMenuGroup = 260 , PrefsMenuGroup = 270 ,
  SyncMenuGroup = 280 , ClipboardMenuGroup = 290 , RepeatMenuGroup = 300 , ArrangeTransformMenuGroup = 310 ,
  ArrangeMoveMenuGroup = 320 , ArrangeGroupMenuGroup = 330 , ArrangeAttribsMenuGroup = 340 , ViewModeMenuGroup = 350 ,
  ViewAdornmentsMenuGroup = 360 , ViewMenuGroup = 370 , ViewUtilsMenuGroup = 380 , ViewExtMenuGroup = 390 ,
  ViewSnapMenuGroup = 400 , ObjectAttribsMenuGroup = 410 , ObjectUtilsMenuGroup = 420 , ObjectsMenuGroup = 430 ,
  ObjectPathsMenuGroup = 440 , ObjectPathsPopupMenuGroup = 450 , LockMenuGroup = 460 , HideMenuGroup = 470 ,
  GuidesMenuGroup = 480 , MaskMenuGroup = 490 , CompoundPathsMenuGroup = 500 , ArtboardsGroup = 510 ,
  CropMarksMenuGroup = 520 , GraphsMenuGroup = 530 , BlocksMenuGroup = 540 , WrapMenuGroup = 550 ,
  TextPathTypeGroup = 560 , TypeAttribsMenuGroup = 570 , TypePalettesMenuGroup = 580 , TypeLayoutMenuGroup = 590 ,
  TypeTabsMenuGroup = TypePalettesMenuGroup , TypeUtilsMenuGroup = 600 , TypePluginsMenuGroup1 = 610 , TypePluginsMenuGroup2 = 620 ,
  TypeAsianOptionsGroup = 630 , TypeSizeUtilsMenuGroup = 640 , TypeSizeMenuGroup = 650 , TypeLeadingUtilsMenuGroup = 660 ,
  TypeLeadingMenuGroup = 670 , TypeAlignmentMenuGroup = 680 , FilterUtilities = 690 , EffectsMenuGroup = 700 ,
  HelpMenuGroup = 710 , HiddenOtherSelectMenuGroup = 720 , HiddenOtherTextMenuGroup = 730 , HiddenOtherObjectMenuGroup = 740 ,
  HiddenOtherPaletteMenuGroup = 750 , HiddenOtherMiscMenuGroup = 760 , WindowUtilsMenuGroup = 770 , ApplicationContainerMenuGroup = 780 ,
  ToolPalettesMenuGroup = 790 , WindowLibariesMenuGroup = 800 , AdobeLabsMenuGroup = 810 , ServicesMenuGroup = 820 ,
  PaintPalettesMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup , ObjectInfoPalettesMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup , AttributePalettesMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup , OtherPalettesMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup ,
  PaintAttributesPaletteMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup , SVGPaletteMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup , WindowObjectUtilsMenuGroup = ToolPalettesMenuGroup , DocInfoMenuGroup = 830 ,
  ObjectRasterMenuGroup = 840 , ArrangeTransformMultipleMenuGroup = 850 , ATMMenuGroupNearGroup = ArrangeTransformMenuGroup , ObjectPathsPopoutPluginMenuGroup = 860 ,
  OPPPMenuGroupNearGroup = ObjectPathsPopupMenuGroup , AIEditColorsSubMenuGroup = 870 , AdobeColorHarmonyMenuGroup = 890 , AdobeColorFiltersMenuGroup = 900 ,
  DocumentSupportMenuGroup = 910 , AssetMgmtMenuGroup = 920 , WorkgroupMenuGroup = DocumentSupportMenuGroup , ScriptsMenuGroup = 930 ,
  WorkspacesMenuGroup = 940 , WorkspacesCustomMenuGroup = 950 , WorkspacesPresetsMenuGroup = 960
 Describes a built-in application menu group.
enum  hdi::core::MessageType {
  CustomMessageType = -10 , UnknownMessageType = 0 , ActionGoMessageType = 10 , AnnotationDrawMessageType = 20 ,
  AnnotationInvalidateMessageType = 30 , ClipboardGoMessageType = 40 , ClipboardCanCopyMessageType = 50 , ClipboardCloneMessageType = 60 ,
  ClipboardDisposeMessageType = 70 , FileFormatGetParamsMessageType = 80 , FileFormatSetParamsMessageType = 81 , FileFormatGoMessageType = 90 ,
  FileFormatCheckMessageType = 100 , FileFormatUpdateMessageType = 110 , FilterGetParamsMessageType = 120 , FilterGoMessageType = 130 ,
  LayerListPushMessageType = 140 , LayerListPopMessageType = 150 , LayerListDeleteMessageType = 160 , LiveEffectEditParamsMessageType = 170 ,
  LiveEffectGoMessageType = 180 , LiveEffectInterpolateMessageType = 190 , LiveEffectInputMessageType = 200 , LiveEffectConvertColorSpaceMessageType = 210 ,
  LiveEffectScaleParamsMessageType = 220 , LiveEffectMergeMessageType = 230 , LiveEffectGetSVGFilterMessageType = 240 , LiveEffectAdjustColorsMessageType = 250 ,
  LiveEffectIsCompatibleMessageType = 260 , MenuGoMessageType = 270 , MenuUpdateMessageType = 280 , NotifyMessageType = 290 ,
  ObjectSetDisposeContentsMessageType = 300 , ObjectSetMarkUsageMessageType = 310 , ObjectSetUpdateInternalMessageType = 320 , ObjectSetUpdateExternalMessageType = 330 ,
  ObjectSetPurgeMessageType = 340 , ObjectSetChangeMessageType = 350 , ObjectSetChangeIndirectMessageType = 360 , ObjectSetCopyMessageType = 370 ,
  ObjectSetInitDoneMessageType = 380 , CustomArtNotifyEditsMessageType = 390 , CustomArtUpdateViewableArtMessageType = 400 , CustomArtCanShowContentsMessageType = 410 ,
  CustomArtInterpolateDataMessageType = 420 , CustomArtReplaceSymbolMessageType = 430 , CustomArtDisallowsArtTypeQueryMessageType = 440 , CustomArtPerformCustomHitTestMessageType = 450 ,
  CustomArtCollectPaintStylesMessageType = 460 , CustomArtApplyPaintStylesMessageType = 470 , CustomArtAdjustColorsMessageType = 480 , CustomArtShowContentsMessageType = 490 ,
  PreferencesInitMessageType = 500 , PreferencesOKMessageType = 510 , PreferencesCancelMessageType = 520 , PreferencesUpdateMessageType = 530 ,
  TimerGoMessageType = 540 , ToolEditMessageType = 550 , ToolTrackMessageType = 560 , ToolMouseDownMessageType = 570 ,
  ToolMouseDragMessageType = 580 , ToolMouseUpMessageType = 590 , ToolSelectMessageType = 600 , ToolReselectMessageType = 610 ,
  ToolDeselectMessageType = 620 , ToolDecreaseDiameterMessageType = 630 , ToolIncreaseDiameterMessageType = 640 , ToolAlternateSelectionQueryMessageType = 650 ,
  ToolAlternateSelectionActivateMessageType = 660 , ToolAlternateSelectionDeactivateMessageType = 670 , ToolboxStartMessageType = 680 , ToolboxEndMessageType = 690 ,
  ToolboxStartGroupMessageType = 700 , ToolboxEndGroupMessageType = 710 , ToolboxStartSetMessageType = 720 , ToolboxEndSetMessageType = 730 ,
  ToolboxAddToolMessageType = 740 , ToolboxAddToolRolloverMessageType = 750 , ToolboxToolSelectedMessageType = 760 , ToolboxToolAlternateActionSelectedMessageType = 770 ,
  ToolboxCycleToolMessageType = 780 , ToolboxSoftCycleToolMessageType = 790 , TransformAgainMessageType = 800 , WorkspaceWriteMessageType = 810 ,
  WorkspaceRestoreMessageType = 820 , WorkspaceDefaultMessageType = 830 , PluginReloadMessageType = 840 , PluginPurgeCachesMessageType = 850 ,
  PluginUnloadMessageType = 860 , AdaptersStartupMessageType = 870 , AdaptersShutdownMessageType = 880 , AdaptersDisposeInfoMessageType = 890 ,
  AdaptersFlushMessageType = 900 , AdaptersRegisterMessageType = 910 , AdaptersLoadPluginMessageType = 920 , AdaptersReleasePluginMessageType = 930 ,
  AdaptersSendMessageMessageType = 940 , PropertiesAcquireMessageType = 950 , PropertiesReleaseMessageType = 960
 Describes the types of plugin messages for which subscriptions are available.
enum  hdi::core::NotifierType {
  UnknownNotifierType = 0 , ArtSelectionChangedNotifierType = 10 , ArtObjectsChangedNotifierType = 11 , ArtCustomColorChangedNotifierType = 20 ,
  ArtPropertiesChangedNotifierType = 30 , ArtStyleFocusChangedNotifierType = 40 , ArtStyleEditTransparencyNotifierType = 50 , ArtGradientChangedNotifierType = 60 ,
  ArtPatternChangedNotifierType = 70 , ArtSymbolSetChangedNotifierType = 80 , ArtSymbolSetDetailedChangeNotifierType = 90 , ArtSymbolListChangedNotifierType = 100 ,
  ArtSymbolDoubleClickedNotifierType = 110 , IsolationModeChangedNotifierType = 120 , BeforeIsolationModeChangedNotifierType = 130 , CurrentLayerNotifierType = 140 ,
  LayerDeletionNotifierType = 150 , LayerSetNotifierType = 160 , LayerOptionsNotifierType = 170 , LayerListChangedNotifierType = 180 ,
  ArtboardCreatedNotifierType = 184 , ArtboardDeletedNotifierType = 185 , ArtboardOptionsChangedNotifierType = 186 , CurrentArtboardChangedNotifierType = 187 ,
  DocumentChangedNotifierType = 190 , DocumentAboutToCloseNotifierType = 200 , DocumentClosedNotifierType = 210 , DocumentOpenedNotifierType = 220 ,
  DocumentSavedNotifierType = 225 , DocumentNewNotifierType = 230 , DocumentClrMdlChangedNotifierType = 240 , DocumentProfilesChangedNotifierType = 250 ,
  DocumentSpotColorModeChangedNotifierType = 260 , DocumentRulerUnitChangedNotifierType = 270 , DocumentWritePreprocessNotifierType = 280 , DocumentWritePostprocessNotifierType = 290 ,
  DocumentWriteOnDiskCompleteNotifierType = 295 , DocumentWriteOnDiskFailedNotifierType = 296 , DocumentCropAreaModifiedNotifierType = 300 , DocumentRulerOriginChangedNotifierType = 310 ,
  DocumentBleedsChangedNotifierType = 320 , DocumentTransparencyGridNotifierType = 330 , DocumentTextResourceChangedNotifierType = 340 , FileFormatDocumentOpenedNotifierType = 350 ,
  FileFormatLinkUpdateNotifierType = 360 , DocumentViewChangedNotifierType = 370 , DocumentViewInvalidRectChangedNotifierType = 380 , DocumentViewStyleChangedNotifierType = 390 ,
  DocumentViewActiveViewChangedNotifierType = 400 , DocumentViewTrimViewStateChangedNotifierType = 405 , DocumentViewOPPPlateStateChangedNotifierType = 410 , DocumentViewEdgesVisibilityChangeNotifierType = 413 ,
  ActiveDocumentViewTitleChangedNotifierType = 416 , InvalidateByScrollNotifierType = 420 , ScreenModeChangedNotifierType = 425 , CurrentFontChangedNotifierType = 430 ,
  CurrentFontSizeChangedNotifierType = 440 , FontListChangedNotifierType = 450 , BeginImportCompFontNotifierType = 460 , EndImportCompFontNotifierType = 470 ,
  ToolSelectedNotifierType = 480 , ToolDeselectedNotifierType = 490 , ToolClearStateNotifierType = 500 , ToolTitleChangedNotifierType = 510 ,
  ToolTooltipChangedNotifierType = 520 , ToolChangedNotifierType = 540 , ToolWindowChangedNotifierType = 550 , ToolSuspendNotifierType = 560 ,
  ToolResumeNotifierType = 570 , ToolTabletPointerTypeChangedNotifierType = 580 , ToolModifiersChangedNotifierType = 590 , ToolSuspendedBySpacebarNotifierType = 600 ,
  ToolResumedBySpacebarNotifierType = 610 , ToolSuspendedByCmdKeyNotifierType = 620 , ToolResumedByCmdKeyNotifierType = 630 , UserToolChangedNotifierType = 640 ,
  EyedropperDragNotifierType = 650 , DrawingModeChangedNotifierType = 660 , CurrentCoordinateSystemChangedNotifierType = 670 , PerspectiveParamsChangedNotifierType = 680 ,
  PerspectiveGridVisibilityChangedNotifierType = 690 , UpdatePathStyleNotifierType = 700 , PaintStyleFillStrokeChangedNotifierType = 710 , PaintStyleGradientStopChangedNotifierType = 720 ,
  NamedStyleListChangedNotifierType = 730 , BeginImportStylesNotifierType = 740 , EndImportStylesNotifierType = 750 , ColorCalibrationChangedNotifierType = 760 ,
  ReplaceColorNotifierType = 770 , SwatchLibraryChangedNotifierType = 780 , TagChangedNotifierType = 790 , XMLNameChangedNotifierType = 800 ,
  AllPluginStartedNotifierType = 810 , PluginStoppingNotifierType = 820 , CSXSPlugPlugSetupCompleteNotifierType = 830 , LaunchProjectBridgeNotifierType = 840 ,
  CurrentLanguageChangedNotifierType = 850 , MenuChangedNotifierType = 860 , PreferenceChangedNotifierType = 870 , UIBrightnessChangedNotifierType = 880 ,
  MetadataSyncNotifierType = 890 , ActionManagerPlayActionEventDoneNotifierType = 900 , AlignmentKeyArtChangedNotifierType = 910 , ObjectSetChangedNotifierType = 920 ,
  SlicingChangedNotifierType = 930 , SVGFilterChangedNotifierType = 940 , SVGFilterAddedNotifierType = 950 , VectorizeUpdateNotifierType = 960 ,
  AboutIllustratorCommandPreNotifierType = 1000 , AboutIllustratorCommandPostNotifierType = 1010 , NewCommandPreNotifierType = 1020 , NewCommandPostNotifierType = 1030 ,
  OpenCommandPreNotifierType = 1040 , OpenCommandPostNotifierType = 1050 , SaveCommandPreNotifierType = 1060 , SaveCommandPostNotifierType = 1070 ,
  SaveAsCommandPreNotifierType = 1080 , SaveAsCommandPostNotifierType = 1090 , SaveACopyAsCommandPreNotifierType = 1100 , SaveACopyAsCommandPostNotifierType = 1110 ,
  RevertToSavedCommandPreNotifierType = 1120 , RevertToSavedCommandPostNotifierType = 1130 , CloseCommandPreNotifierType = 1140 , CloseCommandPostNotifierType = 1150 ,
  QuitCommandPreNotifierType = 1160 , QuitCommandPostNotifierType = 1170 , PageSetupCommandPreNotifierType = 1180 , PageSetupCommandPostNotifierType = 1190 ,
  ExportCommandPreNotifierType = 1200 , ExportCommandPostNotifierType = 1210 , PrintCommandPreNotifierType = 1220 , PrintCommandPostNotifierType = 1230 ,
  PreferencesCommandPreNotifierType = 1240 , PreferencesCommandPostNotifierType = 1250 , GridPreferencesCommandPreNotifierType = 1260 , GridPreferencesCommandPostNotifierType = 1270 ,
  HyphenationPreferencesCommandPreNotifierType = 1280 , HyphenationPreferencesCommandPostNotifierType = 1290 , PluginsFolderPreferencesCommandPreNotifierType = 1300 , PluginsFolderPreferencesCommandPostNotifierType = 1310 ,
  ColorMatchingPreferencesCommandPreNotifierType = 1320 , ColorMatchingPreferencesCommandPostNotifierType = 1330 , SeparationSetupCommandPreNotifierType = 1340 , SeparationSetupCommandPostNotifierType = 1350 ,
  UndoCommandPreNotifierType = 1360 , UndoCommandPostNotifierType = 1370 , RedoCommandPreNotifierType = 1380 , RedoCommandPostNotifierType = 1390 ,
  CutCommandPreNotifierType = 1400 , CutCommandPostNotifierType = 1410 , CopyCommandPreNotifierType = 1420 , CopyCommandPostNotifierType = 1430 ,
  PasteCommandPreNotifierType = 1440 , PasteCommandPostNotifierType = 1450 , PasteInFrontCommandPreNotifierType = 1460 , PasteInFrontCommandPostNotifierType = 1470 ,
  PasteInBackCommandPreNotifierType = 1480 , PasteInBackCommandPostNotifierType = 1490 , PasteInPlaceCommandPreNotifierType = 1493 , PasteInPlaceCommandPostNotifierType = 1494 ,
  PasteInAllArtboardsCommandPreNotifierType = 1497 , PasteInAllArtboardsCommandPostNotifierType = 1498 , CutPictureCommandPreNotifierType = 1500 , CutPictureCommandPostNotifierType = 1510 ,
  CopyPictureCommandPreNotifierType = 1520 , CopyPictureCommandPostNotifierType = 1530 , DragCopyCommandPostNotifierType = 1540 , SelectAllCommandPreNotifierType = 1550 ,
  SelectAllCommandPostNotifierType = 1560 , DeselectAllCommandPreNotifierType = 1570 , DeselectAllCommandPostNotifierType = 1580 , ClearCommandPreNotifierType = 1590 ,
  ClearCommandPostNotifierType = 1600 , SelectWindowCommandPreNotifierType = 1610 , SelectWindowCommandPostNotifierType = 1620 , SelectFile1CommandPreNotifierType = 1630 ,
  SelectFile1CommandPostNotifierType = 1640 , SelectFile2CommandPreNotifierType = 1650 , SelectFile2CommandPostNotifierType = 1660 , SelectFile3CommandPreNotifierType = 1670 ,
  SelectFile3CommandPostNotifierType = 1680 , SelectFile4CommandPreNotifierType = 1690 , SelectFile4CommandPostNotifierType = 1700 , MoveObjectsCommandPreNotifierType = 1710 ,
  MoveObjectsCommandPostNotifierType = 1720 , TransformAgainCommandPreNotifierType = 1730 , TransformAgainCommandPostNotifierType = 1740 , TransformRotateCommandPreNotifierType = 1750 ,
  TransformRotateCommandPostNotifierType = 1760 , TransformReflectCommandPreNotifierType = 1770 , TransformReflectCommandPostNotifierType = 1780 , TransformScaleCommandPreNotifierType = 1790 ,
  TransformScaleCommandPostNotifierType = 1800 , TransformShearCommandPreNotifierType = 1810 , TransformShearCommandPostNotifierType = 1820 , SendToFrontCommandPreNotifierType = 1830 ,
  SendToFrontCommandPostNotifierType = 1840 , SendForwardCommandPreNotifierType = 1850 , SendForwardCommandPostNotifierType = 1860 , SendBackwardCommandPreNotifierType = 1870 ,
  SendBackwardCommandPostNotifierType = 1880 , SendToBackCommandPreNotifierType = 1890 , SendToBackCommandPostNotifierType = 1900 , GroupCommandPreNotifierType = 1910 ,
  GroupCommandPostNotifierType = 1920 , UngroupCommandPreNotifierType = 1930 , UngroupCommandPostNotifierType = 1940 , LockCommandPreNotifierType = 1950 ,
  LockCommandPostNotifierType = 1960 , UnlockAllCommandPreNotifierType = 1970 , UnlockAllCommandPostNotifierType = 1980 , HideCommandPreNotifierType = 1990 ,
  HideCommandPostNotifierType = 2000 , UnhideAllCommandPreNotifierType = 2010 , UnhideAllCommandPostNotifierType = 2020 , AddAnchorPointsCommandPreNotifierType = 2030 ,
  AddAnchorPointsCommandPostNotifierType = 2040 , RemoveAnchorPointsCommandPreNotifierType = 2050 , RemoveAnchorPointsCommandPostNotifierType = 2060 , TypeOutlinesCommandPreNotifierType = 2070 ,
  TypeOutlinesCommandPostNotifierType = 2080 , JoinCommandPreNotifierType = 2090 , JoinCommandPostNotifierType = 2100 , AverageCommandPreNotifierType = 2110 ,
  AverageCommandPostNotifierType = 2120 , MakeTextWrapCommandPreNotifierType = 2130 , MakeTextWrapCommandPostNotifierType = 2140 , ReleaseTextWrapCommandPreNotifierType = 2150 ,
  ReleaseTextWrapCommandPostNotifierType = 2160 , MakeMaskCommandPreNotifierType = 2170 , MakeMaskCommandPostNotifierType = 2180 , ReleaseMaskCommandPreNotifierType = 2190 ,
  ReleaseMaskCommandPostNotifierType = 2200 , MakeCompoundPathCommandPreNotifierType = 2210 , MakeCompoundPathCommandPostNotifierType = 2220 , ReleaseCompoundPathCommandPreNotifierType = 2230 ,
  ReleaseCompoundPathCommandPostNotifierType = 2240 , MakeCropMarksCommandPreNotifierType = 2250 , MakeCropMarksCommandPostNotifierType = 2260 , ReleaseCropMarksCommandPreNotifierType = 2270 ,
  ReleaseCropMarksCommandPostNotifierType = 2280 , TextFontCommandPreNotifierType = 2290 , TextFontCommandPostNotifierType = 2300 , TextSizeCommandPreNotifierType = 2310 ,
  TextSizeCommandPostNotifierType = 2320 , LineSpacingCommandPreNotifierType = 2330 , LineSpacingCommandPostNotifierType = 2340 , TextAlignmentCommandPreNotifierType = 2350 ,
  TextAlignmentCommandPostNotifierType = 2360 , TrackingKerningCommandPreNotifierType = 2370 , TrackingKerningCommandPostNotifierType = 2380 , WordSpacingCommandPreNotifierType = 2390 ,
  WordSpacingCommandPostNotifierType = 2400 , DiscretionaryHyphenCommandPreNotifierType = 2410 , DiscretionaryHyphenCommandPostNotifierType = 2420 , LinkTextCommandPreNotifierType = 2430 ,
  LinkTextCommandPostNotifierType = 2440 , UnlinkTextCommandPreNotifierType = 2450 , UnlinkTextCommandPostNotifierType = 2460 , TextOrientationCommandPreNotifierType = 2470 ,
  TextOrientationCommandPostNotifierType = 2480 , GlyphSubstitutionOptionsCommandPreNotifierType = 2490 , GlyphSubstitutionOptionsCommandPostNotifierType = 2500 , SetGraphStyleCommandPreNotifierType = 2510 ,
  SetGraphStyleCommandPostNotifierType = 2520 , EditGraphDataCommandPreNotifierType = 2530 , EditGraphDataCommandPostNotifierType = 2540 , DefineGraphDesignCommandPreNotifierType = 2550 ,
  DefineGraphDesignCommandPostNotifierType = 2560 , SetBarDesignCommandPreNotifierType = 2570 , SetBarDesignCommandPostNotifierType = 2580 , SetIconDesignCommandPreNotifierType = 2590 ,
  SetIconDesignCommandPostNotifierType = 2600 , ShowHideRulersCommandPreNotifierType = 2610 , ShowHideRulersCommandPostNotifierType = 2620 , ShowHideGuidesCommandPreNotifierType = 2630 ,
  ShowHideGuidesCommandPostNotifierType = 2640 , LockUnlockGuidesCommandPreNotifierType = 2650 , LockUnlockGuidesCommandPostNotifierType = 2660 , MakeGuidesCommandPreNotifierType = 2670 ,
  MakeGuidesCommandPostNotifierType = 2680 , ReleaseGuidesCommandPreNotifierType = 2690 , ReleaseGuidesCommandPostNotifierType = 2700 , ShowHideGridCommandPreNotifierType = 2710 ,
  ShowHideGridCommandPostNotifierType = 2720 , EnableDisableGridSnapCommandPreNotifierType = 2730 , EnableDisableGridSnapCommandPostNotifierType = 2740 , NewViewSnapCommandPreNotifierType = 2750 ,
  NewViewSnapCommandPostNotifierType = 2760 , EditViewSnapCommandPreNotifierType = 2770 , EditViewSnapCommandPostNotifierType = 2780 , ArtworkModeCommandPreNotifierType = 2790 ,
  ArtworkModeCommandPostNotifierType = 2800 , PreviewModeCommandPreNotifierType = 2810 , PreviewModeCommandPostNotifierType = 2820 , FitHeadlineCommandPreNotifierType = 2830 ,
  FitHeadlineCommandPostNotifierType = 2840 , ShowHideEdgesCommandPreNotifierType = 2850 , ShowHideEdgesCommandPostNotifierType = 2860 , ShowHidePageTilingCommandPreNotifierType = 2870 ,
  ShowHidePageTilingCommandPostNotifierType = 2880 , ShowHideTemplateCommandPreNotifierType = 2890 , ShowHideTemplateCommandPostNotifierType = 2900 , ZoomInCommandPreNotifierType = 2910 ,
  ZoomInCommandPostNotifierType = 2920 , ZoomOutCommandPreNotifierType = 2930 , ZoomOutCommandPostNotifierType = 2940 , ReduceToFitCommandPreNotifierType = 2950 ,
  ReduceToFitCommandPostNotifierType = 2960 , ActualSizeCommandPreNotifierType = 2970 , ActualSizeCommandPostNotifierType = 2980 , NewViewCommandPreNotifierType = 2990 ,
  NewViewCommandPostNotifierType = 3000 , ArrangeWindowsCascadeCommandPreNotifierType = 3010 , ArrangeWindowsCascadeCommandPostNotifierType = 3020 , ArrangeWindowsVerticalCommandPreNotifierType = 3030 ,
  ArrangeWindowsVerticalCommandPostNotifierType = 3040 , ArrangeWindowsHorizontalCommandPreNotifierType = 3050 , ArrangeWindowsHorizontalCommandPostNotifierType = 3060 , ArrangeIconsCommandPreNotifierType = 3070 ,
  ArrangeIconsCommandPostNotifierType = 3080 , SetNoteCommandPreNotifierType = 3090 , SetNoteCommandPostNotifierType = 3100 , NewMultipleMasterInstanceCommandPreNotifierType = 3110 ,
  NewMultipleMasterInstanceCommandPostNotifierType = 3120 , ShowHideArtboardRulersCommandPreNotifierType = 3130 , ShowHideArtboardRulersCommandPostNotifierType = 3140 , ExpandCommandPreNotifierType = 3150 ,
  ExpandCommandPostNotifierType = 3160 , RasterizeCommandPreNotifierType = 3170 , RasterizeCommandPostNotifierType = 3180
 Describes the types of Illustrator notifiers for which subscriptions are available.


hdi::core::MatchArtType operator| (const hdi::core::MatchArtType lhs_, const hdi::core::MatchArtType rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtTypeoperator|= (hdi::core::MatchArtType &lhs__, const hdi::core::MatchArtType rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtType operator^ (const hdi::core::MatchArtType lhs_, const hdi::core::MatchArtType rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtTypeoperator^= (hdi::core::MatchArtType &lhs__, const hdi::core::MatchArtType rhs_)
hdi::core::ArtAttribute operator| (const hdi::core::ArtAttribute lhs_, const hdi::core::ArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::ArtAttributeoperator|= (hdi::core::ArtAttribute &lhs__, const hdi::core::ArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::ArtAttribute operator^ (const hdi::core::ArtAttribute lhs_, const hdi::core::ArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::ArtAttributeoperator^= (hdi::core::ArtAttribute &lhs__, const hdi::core::ArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute operator| (const hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute lhs_, const hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtAttributeoperator|= (hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute &lhs__, const hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute operator^ (const hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute lhs_, const hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::MatchArtAttributeoperator^= (hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute &lhs__, const hdi::core::MatchArtAttribute rhs_)
hdi::core::HitRequest operator| (const hdi::core::HitRequest lhs_, const hdi::core::HitRequest rhs_)
hdi::core::HitRequestoperator|= (hdi::core::HitRequest &lhs__, const hdi::core::HitRequest rhs_)
hdi::core::HitRequest operator^ (const hdi::core::HitRequest lhs_, const hdi::core::HitRequest rhs_)
hdi::core::HitRequestoperator^= (hdi::core::HitRequest &lhs__, const hdi::core::HitRequest rhs_)
hdi::core::ModifierKey operator| (const hdi::core::ModifierKey lhs_, const hdi::core::ModifierKey rhs_)
hdi::core::ModifierKeyoperator|= (hdi::core::ModifierKey &lhs__, const hdi::core::ModifierKey rhs_)
hdi::core::ModifierKey operator^ (const hdi::core::ModifierKey lhs_, const hdi::core::ModifierKey rhs_)
hdi::core::ModifierKeyoperator^= (hdi::core::ModifierKey &lhs__, const hdi::core::ModifierKey rhs_)
hdi::core::MouseButton operator| (const hdi::core::MouseButton lhs_, const hdi::core::MouseButton rhs_)
hdi::core::MouseButtonoperator|= (hdi::core::MouseButton &lhs__, const hdi::core::MouseButton rhs_)
hdi::core::MouseButton operator^ (const hdi::core::MouseButton lhs_, const hdi::core::MouseButton rhs_)
hdi::core::MouseButtonoperator^= (hdi::core::MouseButton &lhs__, const hdi::core::MouseButton rhs_)

Detailed Description

Header file for a wide variety of necessary typedefs, enums, and forwards declarations.

Typedef Documentation

◆ byte

typedef unsigned char hdi::core::byte

Typedef of unsigned char as byte, because char is guaranteed to be one byte per the spec.

This exists because passing e.g. char* for a binary chunk of data just offers no semantic meaning.

◆ UTF16Char

typedef uint16_t hdi::core::UTF16Char

Typedef of uint16_t as UTF16Char.

Be aware that one UTF16Char cannot encode all possible UTF-16 code points; UTF-16 is a multibyte encoding scheme. As such, if you need to iterate over actual code points, use UTF32Char (see the hdicoreStrings.h file).

◆ UTF16String

typedef std::basic_string<UTF16Char> hdi::core::UTF16String

Typedef of std::basic_string<UTF16Char> as UTF16String.

Be aware that UTF-16 is a multibyte encoding scheme. As such, if you need to iterate over actual code points, use UTF32String (see the hdicoreStrings.h file).

◆ UTF8Char

typedef char hdi::core::UTF8Char

Typedef of char as UTF8Char.

Be aware that one UTF8Char cannot encode all possible UTF-8 code points; UTF-8 is a multibyte encoding scheme. As such, if you need to iterate over actual code points, use UTF32Char (see the hdicoreStrings.h file).

◆ UTF8String

typedef std::string hdi::core::UTF8String

Typedef of std::string as UTF8String.

All functions or methods in hdi_core that accept or return a std::string have encoded it as UTF-8.

Be aware that UTF-8 is a multibyte encoding scheme. As such, if you need to iterate over actual code points, use UTF32String (see the hdicoreStrings.h file).

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BoundsPinPointType

These allow for simpler art transformation/bounds metadata access.

For example, instead of passing a transform point to an Art method, pass a descriptor for which point in the art bounds you want to "pin"

◆ HitRequest

Describes the types of hit tests that can be performed (AKA a hit request)

These values control each type of potential hit that can be tested when creating a HitData object; any value can be bitwise OR'd with another. Some convenience values are included as well, e.g. AnyHitRequestNoGuides

Guides are technically considered a path by Illustrator, and are not included in SegInteriorRequest types. To include guides in a hit test, bitwise OR with the IncludeGuides value. To determine if a guide was hit, you will have to check the hit type for SegInteriorHit and the art itself using HitData::art()->path()->isGuide()

◆ MatchArtSearch

Indicates whether a matching art search should include or exclude the specified settings.

See MatchArtSpec class

◆ PaintOrder

Indicates the position of art or layers when during creation or reordering.

PlaceAboveAll and PlaceBelowAll are absolute placements; they do not require any prepositional art or layer objects. All other placements require a prepositional art or layer object (to which the placement relates). For example, PlaceAbove will reorder a piece of art above another given prepositional art object.