Hot Door CORE 0.8.2
Adobe® Illustrator® Plug-in Library
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Chdi::core::__DummyJust a simple "dummy" class to allow for creation of "empty" callbacks
 Chdi::core::FileFormat::AddDataWraps information needed to add a new file format
 Chdi::core::AngleDescribes an angle, and allows for easy conversion between various units
 Chdi::core::AnnotatorDeals with annotator registration and drawing callbacks
 Chdi::core::ai::ArrayEmbodies Illustrator's array storage containers; can be placed inside a dictionary or another array
 Chdi::core::ArtHandles general art-related functionality
 Chdi::core::ArtboardRepresents an individual artboard in the current document
 Chdi::core::ArtboardPointDescribes a point on the Illustrator artboard
 Chdi::core::ArtboardRectDescribes a rectangular area on the Illustrator artboard
 Chdi::core::ArtboardSegPointDescribes a segment point of a bezier path on the Illustrator artboard
 Chdi::core::ArtColorDescribes the color of art on the artboard
 Chdi::core::ArtStyleDescribes an art style
 Chdi::core::BezierAllows for cubic bezier calculations and manipulation (e.g. division, tangents, normals, etc.)
 Chdi::core::ArtStyle::BlendFieldDescribes blending info for an art style or paint field of an art style
 Chdi::core::BuiltinToolClass for accessing and querying built-in Illustrator tools
 Chdi::core::ModalDialog::ButtonOptionsControls button options for the ModalDialog constructor
 Chdi::core::CallbackBase class for templated __Callback class
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::ChannelsStores all the possible representations of a color-based ArtColor in all supported color models; the original model is indicated by the master member
 Chdi::core::MenuGroup::ChildMenu groups can have both groups and items as children, so this acts as a simple wrapper to store one or the other
 Chdi::core::ClipboardDataUsed to contain data when writing/reading to/from the clipboard
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::Channels::CMYKDescribes a set of CMYK channels
 Chdi::core::ColorDescribes an RGB color, with opacity, typically for UI purposes
 Chdi::core::ColumnEntryAllows column views to store more data than simply strings and indices
 Chdi::core::CurrentDocumentCurrent (focused) document class to allow for metadata access, updating, dictionary access, selected art access, layer access, etc
 Chdi::core::CursorRepresents a cursor that can be shown on the screen, as well as metadata about the current cursor
 Chdi::core::CustomArtAllows for custom art "group", user-editable art, and user-viewable "result" art manipulation
 Chdi::core::DashStyleDescribes the dash styling of a path
 Chdi::core::DateAllows for acquisition and manipulation of a date (day of year)
 Chdi::core::DateTimeAllows for acquisition and manipulation of a date (day of year) and time (of day)
 Chdi::core::ai::DictionaryEmbodies Illustrator's dictionary storage containers; can be placed inside an array, or another dictionary
 Chdi::core::DispatcherClass through which all messages ultimately pass; holds registered callbacks for messages, notifiers, timers, etc. and calls them at the proper time
 Chdi::core::DocumentAllows one to interact with a document and its metadata (differs from CurrentDocument class)
 Chdi::core::DocumentViewAllow for interacting the document views (windows)
 Chdi::core::DurationAllows for acquisition and manipulation of a duration of time
 Chdi::core::ArtStyle::EffectEffects are contained by art styles and are used to replace typical fill/stroke drawing
 Chdi::core::ai::EntryIllustrator entry wrapper class to allow for entry creation, manipulation, storage, etc
 Chdi::core::EntryValueAllows for a *Entry class to store either a string value or PNGI image ID for a row/column
 Chdi::core::EyeDropperToolHidden eye dropper tool, to be used programmatically only, that allows for selection of a color from the current document (the Illustrator eye dropper always sets the toolbar fill/stroke color and does not allow for interception of the selected color, whereas this tool simply provides the color under the cursor to the caller)
 Chdi::core::FileFormatDescribes a file format that Illustrator can either read or write
 Chdi::core::FillStyleDescribes the fill styling of a path
 Chdi::core::FlyoutFlyout menu, which can be added to a Panel for additional options
 Chdi::core::FontFont class to allow for easy font manipulation
 Chdi::core::GradientHandles general gradient-related functionality
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::GradientStyleDescribes a gradient that has been applied to some art
 Chdi::core::GridAllows manipulation of Illustrator's built-in grids
 Chdi::core::HitDataAllows for hit data creation, metadata access, snapping, etc
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::Channels::HSBDescribes a set of HSB channels
 Chdi::core::IllustratorAllows access to a wide variety of Illustrator app-related runtime attributes, documents, fonts, etc
 Chdi::core::ImageIDsStores both light and dark image PNGI resource IDs, such that app UI brightness changes can be properly handled
 Chdi::core::Font::InfoDescribes style information for an individual font
 Chdi::core::crypt::aes::InitVectorWraps around an AES initialization vector's raw data for some added conveniences
 Chdi::core::InternetGETAllows for the creation of simple HTTP(S) GET clients to acquire data from a given URL
 Chdi::core::InternetPingAllows for the creation of simple ICMP ping clients to check the availability of a remote host
 Chdi::core::InternetPOSTAllows for the creation of simple HTTP(S) POST clients to post to, and acquire data from, a given URL
 Chdi::core::ai::Dictionary::IteratorAllows for iteration through the members of a dictionary, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::Art::IteratorAllows for iteration through the siblings of a piece of source art, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::DictionaryPref::IteratorAllows for iteration through the members of a dictionary pref, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::Layer::IteratorAllows for iteration through the siblings of a layer, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::Preferences::IteratorAllows for iteration through the members of a Preferences object, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::TextCharStyleSet::IteratorAllows for iteration through the children of a character style set, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::TextParaStyleSet::IteratorAllows for iteration through the children of a paragraph style set, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::TextTabStopSet::IteratorAllows for iteration through the children of a tab stop set, a la std::vector iteration
 Chdi::core::crypt::aes::KeyWraps around an AES key's raw data for some added conveniences
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::Channels::LabDescribes a set of Lab channels
 Chdi::core::LayerAllows for layer metadata access, visibility manipulation, locking, etc
 Chdi::core::ListEntryAllows combo boxes, popups, and lists to store more data than simply strings and indices
 Chdi::core::LocalizerSingleton class to aid in runtime localization
 Chdi::core::DashStyle::MapActs as a DashStyle value map, indicating which values are "known"
 Chdi::core::FillStyle::MapActs as a FillStyle value map, indicating which values are "known"
 Chdi::core::PathStyle::MapActs as a StrokeStyle value map, indicating which values are "known"
 Chdi::core::StrokeStyle::MapActs as a StrokeStyle value map, indicating which values are "known"
 Chdi::core::MaskArtAllows for mask manipulation, metadata access, etc
 Chdi::core::MatchArtSpecAllows a variety of art types and attributes to be specified when searching for art that either includes or excludes such settings
 Chdi::core::MenuGroupWraps around an Illustrator menu group
 Chdi::core::MenuItemWraps around an application menu item to allow for selection callbacks, en/disabling, setting text, etc
 Chdi::core::MeshArtAllows for mesh manipulation, metadata access, etc
 Chdi::core::MessageBase class for all *Message subclasses
 Chdi::core::NotificationBase class for all *Notification subclasses
 Chdi::core::NotifierActs as a receiver for specific notifications, passing them along to caller-supplied callbacks
 Chdi::core::ArtStyle::PaintDataStores art style gradient information
 Chdi::core::ArtStyle::PaintFieldCorresponds to either a fill or a stroke in an art style. Each paint field can also contain live effects and transparency information
 Chdi::core::LiveEffect::ParametersDescribes the parameters of an Illustrator live effect
 Chdi::core::PathArtAllows for path manipulation, metadata access, trimming, extending, etc
 Chdi::core::PathStyleDescribes all styling attributes of a path
 Chdi::core::PatternHandles general pattern-related functionality
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::PatternStyleDescribes a pattern that has been applied to some art
 Chdi::core::PlacedArtAllows for placed art manipulation, metadata access, etc
 Chdi::core::PluginBase plugin class; the heart of any plugin project
 Chdi::core::PointDescribes a point in the 2-dimensional (x,y) coordinate system, typically in an Illustrator document view or a UI window
 Chdi::core::PrefDataBase class for persistent data objects, stored via JSON
 Chdi::core::ai::PreferencesAllows access to and manipulation of Illustrator app preferences; can be used to store plugin preferences as well, but the core::Preferences class is recommended over this one
 Chdi::core::PreferencesAids in preference storage by reading/writing the JSON data in a given file
 Chdi::core::Document::PresetRepresents options when creating a new Illustrator document
 Chdi::core::crypt::rsa::PrivateKeyWraps around a private RSA key's raw data for some added conveniences
 Chdi::core::crypt::rsa::PublicKeyWraps around a public RSA key's raw data for some added conveniences
 Chdi::core::RadioButtonGroupAllows for logically grouping radio buttons together, such that one can be chosen and others automatically unchosen, etc
 Chdi::core::RasterArtAllows for raster art manipulation, metadata access, etc
 Chdi::core::RasterArt::RecordDescribes more detailed information about raster art
 Chdi::core::RectContains Point and Size objects to describe a rectangle that exists at a specific point of given dimensions
 Chdi::core::RegistrationAids in user registration by reading/writing and de/encrypting the JSON data in a given file
 Chdi::core::ArtColor::Channels::RGBDescribes a set of RGB channels
 Chdi::core::SegPointDescribes a segment point of a bezier path, typically in an Illustrator document view
 Chdi::core::CurrentDocument::SetupDescribes the setup options of an existing document
 Chdi::core::SizeContains a width and height for a rectangular shape
 Chdi::core::Grid::SpacingDescribes the spacing and density of gridlines
 Chdi::core::Gradient::StopDescribes the attributes of a gradient stop
 Chdi::core::StrokeStyleDescribes the stroke styling of a path
 Chdi::core::SuiteInfoStores basic information about an application suite
 Chdi::core::SVGIDsStores both light and dark SVG resource IDs, such that app UI brightness changes can be properly handled
 Chdi::core::TabOrderAllows for finer control of widget focus/tab key ordering
 Chdi::core::TextArtAllows for text frame manipulation, selection, metadata access, etc
 Chdi::core::TextCharFeaturesAllows for easy manipulation of Illustrator text character features
 Chdi::core::TextCharInspectorAllows for easy inspection of Illustrator text characters
 Chdi::core::TextParaFeaturesAllows for easy manipulation of Illustrator text paragraph features
 Chdi::core::TextParaInspectorAllows for easy inspection of Illustrator text characters
 Chdi::core::TextRangeAllows for easy manipulation of Illustrator text ranges
 Chdi::core::ThirdPartyPluginWraps around a third-party plugin, such that it can be messaged or otherwise manipulated
 Chdi::core::TimeAllows for acquisition and manipulation of a time (of day)
 Chdi::core::TimerDeals with timer registration and callbacks
 Chdi::core::ToolBase class for all tools; stores hit data, cursor loc, dialogs, etc.; receives tool-related messages
 Chdi::core::TransformMatrixAllows for 2-dimensional transformations in a single application via matrix math
 Chdi::core::TreeColumnEntryAllows hierarchical column views to store more data than simply strings and indices
 Chdi::core::TreeEntryAllows hierarchical views to store more data than simply strings and indices
 Chdi::core::TypefaceTypeface class to allow for easy typeface manipulation
 Chdi::core::UIDAllows for easy UID acquisition, art access, etc
 Chdi::core::WidgetBase class for all interface widgets; handles many common needs, e.g. text, position, size, etc
 Chdi::core::WidgetGroupAllows for grouping widgets together, such that all can be added to a window in one call, removed from a window in one call, have their geometry adjusted collectively in one call, etc
 Chdi::core::WindowUsed as a base class for modal dialogs, panels, and control bars